New Directions in Deaf Education


2016 ISSUE

The Power and Potential of Collaboration

The 2016 issue of Odyssey was the result of a partnership between the Clerc Center and pepnet 2. It focuses on the importance of building collaborations at the national and state levels to support the education of deaf and hard of hearing students. In particular, the issue focuses on how collaborations can facilitate the successful transition of deaf and hard of hearing students from secondary education to postsecondary education and employment.  

The issue includes 16 articles from a total of 32 professional and parent authors focusing on such topics as:

  • what collaboration is and why it’s essential
  • how partnerships help with student transition and access
  • the challenges of maintaining partnerships over large distances
  • descriptions of resources and ways to tap into them and available networks
  • ideas for strengthening existing resources and networks
  • the importance of partnering with deaf and hard of hearing adults in deaf and hard of hearing students’ education
  • why the education of children—especially children with disabilities—is a shared responsibility and requires cross-agency collaboration at all levels: federal, state, and local

Seeking Submissions
for the 2023 Issue of Odyssey

THEME: Access and Equity in Deaf Education

The next issue of Odyssey will focus on how deaf and hard of hearing students are being provided with equitable access to education, ensuring they have the resources and services they need to fully participate and succeed in both school and the community—as young children, as students, and, later, as adults.

Often the concept of “access” is defined by experts or regular users of a given system instead of according to the experiences and expectations of exceptional users who engage with the system. Who defines accessibility? The deaf or hard of hearing child or the people surrounding that child? In addition to determining what access means and how it will be provided, accessibility by itself may not be enough. Abundance of experience and ease of use are also important, especially in interactions involving language and socialization. Full and comfortable participation may be the ultimate measure of equitable access.

We want to know how families and educators are providing equitable access and enabling full participation for their deaf and hard of hearing children or students not only through technology but also through programming, activities, and strategies that promote maximum opportunities for learning and interaction:


    • Which assistive tools and online technologies have been shown to support academic success and social-emotional development? How can we measure the efficacy of such tools?


    • What unique strategies help create inclusive environments and promote an abundance of accessible and interactive language for deaf and hard of hearing children in their families and communities as well as in schools?


    • How do we involve deaf and hard of hearing students in determining what access they need? How do we ensure they continue to receive both academic and social-emotional support? 


    • What have we learned from our own deaf and hard of hearing children and students, especially about what works best for them? How have we supported their advocacy and self-determination? 


The Clerc Center is particularly interested in articles focused on serving students who are deaf or hard of hearing from traditionally underserved groups, including those students who are lower achieving academically, who come from families that speak a language other than English in the home, who are members of diverse racial or cultural groups, who are from rural areas, and/or who are deafdisabled.

Please e-mail your ideas to Odyssey@gallaudet.edu. We will begin accepting submissions on June 13, 2022, and continue until December 2, 2022, or until the magazine reaches capacity. Contact us at any time with questions or to discuss your ideas.

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