Early Intervention

These resources focus on early intervention and early childhood education for children who are deaf or hard of hearing. Additional resources and information are available on our portal.


This article focuses on the model of framework that will facilitate meaningful collaboration between families and professionals, fostering a language foundation for DHH children, optimal development, assessment of preferred language options and de-emphasize “fixing” hearing levels.


The authors recognized the gap in language acquisition that does not meet age-based language milestones for the deaf and hard of hearing children. The importance of language foundations that will have an effective outcomes.


15 Principles for Reading to Deaf Children

Guidelines highlight 15 principles for using American Sign Language to read stories with deaf and hard of hearing children. Topics covered include translation, reading behaviors, extrapolation, attention maintenance, role play, dual language features, signing style, and high expectations. This resource is available in both ASL with spoken English and captions and in English print.


Setting Language
in Motion

Seven modules provide family supports and early intervention information for families with deaf or hard of hearing babies and their service providers. Topics include early identification, audiology, hearing aids, cochlear implants, communication, and language.

Previous Posts

Children Who Are Deaf-Blind

This article focuses on the importance of deaf-blind training and support access for families and educators. It includes the classification of vision and hearing loss, the types of additional disabilities that may be present, and the causes of deaf-blindness.

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Family Immersion Programs and Deaf Camps

This form is to collect information about family immersion programs and camps for deaf and hard of hearing children. Fill out this form to have your camp or program added to our comprehensive list, organized by state.

Family Immersion Programs and Deaf Camps

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  • Family Immersion Programs

    Please fill out these questions if your program is a family immersion program. If it also a camp for Deaf and hard of hearing children, continue to the next section as well.
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  • Deaf Camps

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