This glossary serves as a living resource, offering definitions gleaned from research and scientific disciplines for terms commonly found in Deaf Education. It reflects our framework while respecting and embracing linguistic diversity. As a living document, it will evolve through ongoing dialogue, empowering each language and culture to preserve ownership of its words and meanings. Together, we will build clarity, foster connections, and shape this dynamic tool through collaboration and mutual understanding.


The evaluation or estimation of the quality and ability of someone. In this context we refer to educational assessments which could include but are not limited to: language, emotional, behavioral assesments.


Competence in language(s), such as ASL or English – both natural aptitude or acquired proficiency.


Intentionally using one of or combination of: signacy, literacy and oracy in both areas, composition and comprehension.


The use of two different languages.

Comprehension (input)

The pathway that creates a easy access to input so that information can be recieved, understood and interpreted.


What is considered to be the standard form of a written or signed language including guidelines for grammar and punctuation.


The materials, sequence of skills and content used in instruction.

Composition (output)

The pathway that creates a easy access to output so that information can be expressed, explained and elaborated.


The measurement of the ability to use the language in both pathways.


The study of body movements, gestures, facial expressions, etc. as a means of communication.

Language Learning

The process of acquiring the ability to communicate in a new language, involving the development of linguistic, communicative, and cultural competence.

Language Profile

A set of data that shows the individual’s significant language background, experience and language abilities.

Language Use

How one expresses oneself through language.

Language Usage

The structures and rules for making language-based messages.


Actively give attention to information in order to understand and/or interpret.


Proficiency in written/printed language composition and comprehension.


The study of words and their internal structures.


The use of more than two different languages


Proficiency in oral language composition and comprehension; can include visual features of speech, i.e. mouthing and lipreading.


The part of language that deals with letters and spelling.


The study of the distribution and patterning of speech sounds.




A systematic and possibly cyclical series of instructional actions to guide students from the beginning to the end to create a product


To make sense of letters, words and symbols through sight or touch.


The action of using a visual/gestural language to convey a message.


Proficiency in sign language composition and comprehension.


The action of uttering words or articulating sounds with voice to convey a message.


A plan, method, or series of actions to obtain a specific goal or result.


The action of putting words or symbols together in print to convey a message.


To make sense of signs, handshapes and nonmanual markers by sight or by touch

DISCLAIMER | The document is provided for informational purposes, and individuals are advised to stay informed about any updates or changes in research terminology as the field progresses.  The terms included are meant to represent current research terminology.

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