Fairview Learning

Fairview Learning is a powerful intervention program that applies five high-yield strategies to existing curricula, helping Deaf and Hard of Hearing learners develop the skills they need to become confident, independent readers. Through explicit instruction and targeted support, Fairview bridges language gaps and enhances literacy success.

Target Group

Any DHH students who are print-ready and need direct use of strategies. This can be done as teacher modeling for prereaders.

Content Area


Language Approach

Language instruction includes bridging (Learning in ASL for English and in English for ASL, too) and it can be used for translanguaging

Grade Level or Developmental Stages

  • Adapted Dolch and Bridge Lists (grade levels)
  • Bridging Process (rating based)
  • Phonetic Awareness (number-based)

Company’s Statement on Diversity

It can be depending upon the reading material chosen by the teacher. Also, during 1:1 intervention, diverse needs are met.

This information has been reviewed by the Clerc Center team, and efforts were made to confirm its accuracy with the program developers. However, it is provided “as is” without any guarantees of accuracy or completeness. Please verify the details yourself before relying on it.

Developed by Dr. Connie Schimmel.
Continued development by Patricia Vierra-Fox

Picture of Patricia Lydia Vierra

Patricia Lydia Vierra

Patricia “Trish” has been a deaf educator for over 20 years now. She has worked as a national trainer for Fairview Learning for 14 years after implementing the program and completing her master's thesis on the program. She then took over the Fairview Learning company and is the current owner and CEO. Trish is currently working as a reading specialist and has collaborated with the University of Utah to create a required reading practicum for all graduating students in the Deaf Ed. department. Additionally, Trish runs a model reading clinic for Deaf students using the Fairview intervention protocol.

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