Bedrock Literacy

Bedrock Literacy provides the teachers of the deaf and hard of hearing students in any educational setting the basic objectives and activities necessary for developing a strong foundation in English literacy.

Target Group

Designed for any student, regardless of age, hearing loss, or language modality used in instruction. Lessons are generally written for the younger, beginning students, it is also intended for those who are older or who use spoken language and have not established clear foundational skils in literacy development.

Content Area

Language Arts: English reading and writing up to 3rd grade

Language Approach

Language instruction includes bridging from ASL to English with plenty of translanguaging opportunities used in the lessons.


This program is arranged in a specific hierarchy to ensure skills are built in a logical manner and they are grouped according to focus areas:

  • Alphabet
  • Concepts about print
  • Vocabulary development and spelling practice
  • Schema development: superordinate and subordinate categories
  • Word categorization
  • Reading comprehension
  • Pronouns
  • Prepositions
  • Beginning Morphology
  • Sentence Structure
  • Sentence Negation
  • Teaching Sentence Subjects
  • Teaching Sentence predicates
  • Tense objectives
  • Writing

Grade Level or Developmental Stages

Instead of grade-level equivalencies, this program is constructed in developmental stages.

Company’s Statement on Diversity

This program provides opportunities for diverse use of modality in a way a student would grasp the idea before bridging them to English reading/writing

This information has been reviewed by the Clerc Center team, and efforts were made to confirm its accuracy with the program developers. However, it is provided “as is” without any guarantees of accuracy or completeness. Please verify the details yourself before relying on it.

Picture of Kristin A. Di Perri, Ed.D.

Kristin A. Di Perri, Ed.D.

Kristin DiPerri, Ed.D. is an independent educational consultant and literacy development specialist for Deaf and Hard of Hearing students. She has presented numerous workshops and presentations throughout the US and abroad to teachers of Deaf and Hard of Hearing students. She is the author of several instructional publications: 5 workbooks for students, the Bedrock Literacy Curriculum and co-author with Todd Czubek, Ph.D. of the Bilingual Grammar Curriculum. She is the owner of Bedrock Literacy & Educational Services.

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