To ensure we can accommodate your request and provide our creative services, please review our current schedule of appointments before making a request.
The creative serives can help you apply the Clerc Center brand to your project, ensuring consistent messaging and can design and produce printed materials like branding, brochures, folders, flyers, promotional items, banners or signage; and web banners and graphics.
KDES is a first-class elementary school designed to explore and implement new learning opportunities for deaf and hard of hearing students. On this site, teachers and staff have shared resources that we have organized so parents can find what they need. Let’s learn together!
The Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center at Gallaudet University is a federally funded center with exemplary elementary and secondary education programs for deaf and hard of hearing students and is tasked with developing and disseminating innovative curricula, instructional techniques, and products nationwide while providing information, training, and technical assistance for parents and professionals to meet the needs of deaf and hard of hearing students from birth to age 21.