School Climate

Objective 1

Professional Engagement: By 2018, Clerc Center school personnel will express positive feelings about school morale and involvement in decision making, as measured by increasing the percentage of responses in the positive range on the Leadership and Professional Relationships dimensions of the Comprehensive School Climate Inventory (CSCI) to at least 85% on each dimension.

Objective 2

School Safety: by 2018, MSSD students will express positive perceptions about school safety, as measured by increasing the percentage of responses in the positive range on the Rules and Norms and Sense of Physical Security dimensions of the Comprehensive School Climate Inventory (CSCI) to at least 85% on each dimension, and on the Sense of Social-Emotional Security dimension to at least 75%

Objective 3

School Environment: By 2018, the Clerc center community will perceive the school environment as welcoming and physically appealing, as measured by obtaining at least 75% of responses in the positive range from all stakeholder groups (i.e., students, parents, school personnel) on both the School Connectedness/Engagement and Physical Surroundings dimensions of the Comprehensive School Climate Inventory (CSCI).

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