Individualizing Deaf Education Services: More Important Than Ever Before
This webcast provides an evidence-based rationale for supporting language acquisition in both American Sign Language (ASL) and spoken English for young…
Educational Planning for Students with Cochlear Implants
This video shows a day in the life of third graders at the California School for the Deaf. Watch how they interact in the classroom, at lunchtime, and during recess.
Deaf Role Models Making a Critical Difference in New Mexico
In this article, Stacy Abrams and Rosemary Gallegos explain the importance of deaf role models and the positive impact they have on families with deaf or hard of hearing…
The Early Years: Parents and Young Deaf Children Reading Together
Dr. Lori Lutz discusses the importance of reading with young deaf and hard of hearing children as early as possible. Her research focuses on the factors that help families…
Through the Eyes of Deaf Children
This video shows a day in the life of third graders at the California School for the Deaf. Watch how they interact in the classroom, at lunchtime, and during recess.
Sign Language Use for Babies: The Evidence Supports It
Author Tiara V. Malloy provides a clear argument favoring the use of sign language with all children regardless of their hearing status.
Maximizing Language Acquisition
This webcast provides an evidence-based rationale for supporting language acquisition in both American Sign Language (ASL) and…
Focusing on Accessible Language
This webast is created for families interested in learning more about supporting their deaf or hard of hearing child’s language and communication development as early as…