Employment Opportunities at the Clerc Center

The Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center is a division of Gallaudet University, which handles job listings for vacant employment opportunities. Gallaudet is an equal employment opportunity/affirmative action employer and actively encourages deaf, hard of hearing, members of traditionally underrepresented groups, people with disabilities, women, and veterans to apply for open positions.

The Clerc Center is composed of three major units, which include Kendall Demonstration Elementary School (KDES), Model Secondary School for the Deaf (MSSD), and our national missions unit, as well as an Administration & Operations team that helps ensure the whole organization is running smoothly.

We will be highlighting featured jobs here on this page. You can check for all full-time or part-time opportunities at the Clerc Center by clicking the buttons below:

To browse any position vacancies and employment information at Gallaudet University, please visit their Careers page. Please report any issues on this page to clerccenter.communications@gallaudet.edu.

Clerc Center HR

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