The Clerc Center operates two accredited demonstration schools on its campus in Kendall Demonstration Elementary School (KDES) and the Model Secondary School for the Deaf (MSSD). Both schools are mandated by Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) to adhere to statewide academic standards and to participate in annual statewide assessments. However, the Clerc Center is a Federal program and does not report to a state-level department of education.
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The Clerc Center maintained a partnership for a number of years with the Ohio Department of Education to focus on the provision of state-level, standards-based assessments for students who are deaf or hard of hearing as stipulated by the U.S. Department of Education. After several years of partnership with Ohio ended, the Clerc Center entered into a new partnership with the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) in 2015.
Student Assessment
Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program (MCAP)
Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program (MCAP)’s summative English language arts/literacy tests are available in grades 3-8 and high school. The assessments include a performance-based component with longer questions that usually require multiple steps. It measures critical thinking, reasoning and the ability to apply skills and knowledge in reading, writing and mathematics.
Science – Maryland Integrated Science Assessments (MISA) Assessment
Students at the Clerc Center will participate with Maryland students in taking the Maryland Integrated Science Assessment (MISA) in science grades 5, 8, and high school.
Multi-State Alternate Assessment (MSAA)
The Multi State Alternate Assessment (MSAA) is also offered in grades 3-8 and 11 for students in with the most significant cognitive disabilities who are unable to participate in the MCAP assessment, even with accommodations. The alternate assessment is based on alternate achievement standards (AA-AAS) in English language arts and mathematics.
The Alternate Maryland School Assessment – Science (Alt-MSA) is offered in grades 5, 8, and 10 for students with significant cognitive disabilities who are unable to participate in the Maryland School Assessment in science, even with accommodations.
How Do the New Assessments Differ from the Old Assessments
The new assessments are designed to measure the full range of the CCSS, NGSS and full continuum of student abilities, including the performance of high and low performing students. The MCAP assessments will test writing skills at every grade level and critical thinking and problem solving skills in an in-depth manner. The assessments feature a mix of items–short answer, longer open response questions, richer multiple choice items, as well as technology-enhanced items, to better reflect the full range of content and skills found in the CCSS. The computer-based assessments will produce timely snapshots of student knowledge, giving parents and students richer information, and teachers the opportunity to adjust instruction to better support student learning.
The Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center at Gallaudet University is a federally funded center with exemplary elementary and secondary education programs for deaf and hard of hearing students and is tasked with developing and disseminating innovative curricula, instructional techniques, and products nationwide while providing information, training, and technical assistance for parents and professionals to meet the needs of deaf and hard of hearing students from birth to age 21.
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Washington, DC 20002 USA
This site was supported by federal funding. Publication of this material shall not imply approval or acceptance by the U.S. Department of Education of the findings, conclusions, or recommendations herein. Gallaudet University is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, religion, age, hearing status, disability, covered veteran status, marital status, personal appearance, sexual orientation, family responsibilities, matriculation, political affiliation, source of income, place of business or residence, pregnancy, childbirth, or any other unlawful basis.
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