Demographic Infographic: Professionals

This infographic shares information about the demographics of professionals who responded to the survey. This includes their race and ethnicity, their work roles, and if they are members of traditionally underserved groups (TUGs). Check out the infographic for more information.

Professionals’ Race/Ethnicity

A pictograph illustrating the racial and ethnic diversity of survey respondents among professionals.

86% - White

4% - Hispanic

3% - Black/African American

3% - 2+ Races

1% - Asian

2% - Additional Races *

2% - No Response

* Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, Native American, Alaskan Native

An icon of group of people

The majority (86%) of professionals who responded identified as White.
Twelve percent of parents/caregivers who responded identified as Hispanic or People of Color.

Professionals’ Race/Ethnicity

Race/Ethnicity Percentage
White 86%
Hispanic 4%
Black/African American 3%
2+ Races 3%
Asian 1%
Additional Races * 1%
No Response 2%

The majority (86%) of professionals who responded identified as White.
Twelve percent of parents/caregivers who responded identified as Hispanic or People of Color.

* Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, Native American, Alaskan Native

Professionals' Hearing Status

A pictograph displaying the distribution of hearing status among survey respondents who are professionals.

74% - Hearing

17% - Deaf

7% - Hard of Hearing

2% - No Response

A symbol of hearing

The majority (74%) of professionals who responded self-identified as Hearing.

Professionals' Hearing Status

Hearing Status Percentage
Hearing 74%
Deaf 17%
Hard of Hearing 7%
No Response 2%

The majority (74%) of professionals who responded self-identified as Hearing.

Professionals' Work Roles

A bar chart displaying the distribution of work roles among professional respondents.

Classroom Teacher - 22%

Itinerant Teacher - 17%

Audiologist/SLP - 13%

Other - 11%

Interpreter - 10%

School/Administrator - 8%

Early Intervention Professional - 4%

Outreach Service Provider - 4%

Social Worker, Psychologist - 4%

University Faculty/Staff - 3%

Classroom Aide - 2%

Allied Medical Professional - 1%

Undergraduate or Graduate Student - 1%

No Response - 1%

An icon of group of people

The top professional role reported is classroom teacher at 22%.

Professionals' Work Roles

Role Percentage
Classroom Teacher 22%
Itinerant Teacher 17%
Audiologist/SLP 13%
Other 11%
Interpreter 10%
School/Administrator 8%
Early Intervention Professional 4%
Outreach Service Provider 4%
Social Worker, Psychologist 4%
University Faculty/Staff 3%
Classroom Aide 2%
Allied Medical Professional 1%
Undergraduate or Graduate Student 1%
No Response 1%
The top professional role reported is classroom teacher at 22%.

Top Five Most Reported Work Roles by Hearing Status

Hard of Hearing

Professional Role (by N)

Hearing Status (by colors)

A bubble plot/pie chart showcasing the distribution of work roles among respondents.

Classroom Teacher: N=186 - Hearing: 55% / Deaf: 33% / Hard of Hearing: 12%

Itinerant Teacher: N=141 - Hearing: 51% / Deaf: 44% / Hard of Hearing: 5%

Audiologist/SLP: N=109 - Hearing: 91% / Hard of Hearing: 9%

Interpreter: N=85 - Hearing: 98% / Deaf: 1% / Hard of Hearing: 1%

School/Adminstrator: N=68 - Hearing: 76% / Deaf: 21% / Hard of Hearing: 3%

Important Note: Excluded No Reponse for Hearing Status and Other for Work Role

An icon of a briefcase.

The percentage of professionals who identify as deaf varies widely, from 1% among interpreters to 44% among itinerant teachers.

Top Five Most Reported Work Roles by Hearing Status

Professional Role Total (N) Hearing (%) Deaf (%) Hard of Hearing (%)
Classroom Teacher 186 55% 33% 12%
Itinerant Teacher 141 51% 44% 5%
Audiologist/SLP 109 91% 0% 9%
Interpreter 85 0% 98% 2%
School Administrator 68 76% 21% 3%

The percentage of professionals who identify as deaf varies widely, from 1% among interpreters to 44% among itinerant teachers.

Important Note: Excluded No Reponse for Hearing Status and Other for Work Role

Professionals' Work Setting

Children’s Current Educational Setting Percentage
School for the Deaf 35%
Public School 25%
Early Intervention Program 13%
Program for Deaf Students within Public School 9%
Private School 6%
Other 5%
College/Technical Training Program 3%
No Response 3%
Nontraditional Program * >1%
Private Practice, Hospital, Community-Based Practice >1%

Most parents/caregivers reported that their children attended a School for the Deaf (35%) or a Public School (25%).

* Home School and GED Program

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