
定性研究结果: 概览

调查的一部分要求受访者分享他们对阻碍聋生和听力受损学生实现潜力的障碍的看法。我们专注于七个障碍,以更好地了解受访者的观点: 残疾学生

  • 早期听力检测和干预
  • 家庭参与和支持
  • 缺乏理解
  • 语言和沟通
  • 识字能力
  • 资源
  • 残疾学生

We're eager to meet you!

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Address (Optional)
Provide your address if you would like Odyssey magazine mailed to your home or workplace.
Shoot us an email and a Clerc Center representative will be in touch with you.

Family Immersion Programs and Deaf Camps

This form is to collect information about family immersion programs and camps for deaf and hard of hearing children. Fill out this form to have your camp or program added to our comprehensive list, organized by state.

Family Immersion Programs and Deaf Camps

  • If you responded "Family Immersion Program," please continue below. If you responded "Deaf Camp" please skip to the next section.
  • Family Immersion Programs

    Please fill out these questions if your program is a family immersion program. If it also a camp for Deaf and hard of hearing children, continue to the next section as well.
  • Max. file size: 128 MB.
  • If you responded "Deaf Camp," please continue below. If you responded "Family Immersion Program", please go back to the first section.
  • Deaf Camps

    Please fill out these questions if your program is a camp for deaf and hard of hearing children.
  • Max. file size: 128 MB.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.


This tab will lead to a page with information for our Live Events, training, and workshops. You will be able to see scheduled events and time/dates here soon.


This tab will lead to a page with all the resources we have available and a search engine. You will be able to type in words and look for specific resources here soon.