Language & Communication: Overview

This model shows how the development and success of deaf and hard of hearing children can be influenced by school systems, various people, and available resources and services. Five levels comprise the model:
  1. Educational Administrative Systems is about people who develop policies and plans for deaf and hard of hearing students, including board members and school administrators.
  2. Knowledge and Perceptions is about what people know and think about how language and communication impact deaf and hard of hearing students, including families, professionals, and the public.
  3. Resources is about language and communication materials, information, services, and support for deaf and hard of hearing students. The “Resources” and “Knowledge and Perceptions” levels influence each other, and then they influence the next two levels.
  4. Language and Communication Access and Intervention is about how deaf and hard of hearing students access language and communication in different ways and places; it is connected with how people think intervention should be provided.
  5. Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children’s Needs, Development, and Maximized Potential is about what deaf and hard of hearing students need and how they can thrive.

The five levels act similarly to a “chain reaction,” as each level affects the next levels. School systems manage policies and make decisions about language and communication for these students. These processes are connected to people’s knowledge and perspectives about how resources are used and how they determine what these students need. These outside factors influence how these students develop different skills, such as language and social skills.

Note: Traditionally underserved groups experience challenges that may cause additional difficulties for families and their children. They will be considered at every level of the model.

Click on the different parts of the model for more information or click the button below to download the full report.

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