Public Input
Public input comprises a three-stage process to gather input from families of deaf and hard of hearing children, the professionals who work with them, consumers, and constituent groups. This process evolves with the needs of these individuals to best inform the Clerc Center regarding the Education of the Deaf Act mandates.
Public Input Cycle Stages
Stage 1: Collecting Public Input
We collect input to learn about relevant topics from families of deaf and hard of hearing children, the professionals who work with
them, and other key stakeholders.
Stage 2: Informing Process
We use the input to support the Clerc Center’s strategic planning; identify priorities for training, resources, evaluation, and research; and inform the public of findings based on the input.
Stage 3: Supporting Resource Development Activities
We provide information to support various resources and development activities for families of deaf and hard of hearing children and the professionals who work with them.