K-12 Education.
Explore the app.

An app for families of children who are deaf or hard of hearing attending IEP meetings, 504 meetings, or other meetings.

Families of deaf and hard of hearing children attend meetings—Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings, 504 meetings, and other types of meetings. What are these meetings about? How can you be the best advocate for your child? The Parent Advocacy app helps you to understand your child’s rights and to prepare you to work with the school in the best interest of your child.

Note: Apple version videos will open in your web browser. The next update will allow the videos to open within the app.

Introductory information

This includes videos and inspirations as well as highlighting the parts of the app.

IEP meetings

Understand what an IEP means and how you can participate in the meeting.

Section 504 plan meetings

Understand the meaning of this type of meeting and how it differs from an IEP meeting.

Other school meetings

Understand if your child might be eligible for a 504 plan or IEP. What advocacy principles can you use?

Fillable checklists and notes

These help you navigate the process of advocating for your child. As you proceed through the app, you can keep track of your progress. You can then add a series of notes to remind yourself of important points.

Common questions

Questions are listed that families tend to ask for each type of meeting.


How can you approach advocating for your child? Six strategies are discussed.


Linked resources are available. There is also information about how to contact the parent and deaf organizational partners for assistance.


These introduce you to the app and guide your next steps.


Is your child's IEP or 504 plan confusing? Need help navigating through the process? App the Answer!

The Parent Advocacy app is designed for families of deaf and hard of hearing children who attend K – 12 programs. It aids families with advocating for their children during Individualized Education Program (IEP) meetings, 504 meetings, and other types of school meetings. 

The app is designed for you to use while on the go, while attending school meetings, or while home. It helps you to prepare for the school meeting, helps you during the meeting, and helps you to continue your efforts after the school meeting.

Be sure to use the interactive check lists to help determine what has been done and what still remains to do. Take notes while using the app , access the listed resources,  and connect with collaborating organizations to deepen your advocacy efforts.

The Parent Advocacy app is a collaboration between the Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center at Gallaudet University, the American Society for Deaf Children, Hands & Voices, and the National Association of the Deaf.

For questions about the app contact us at training.clerccenter@gallaudet.edu

The Parent Advocacy app is a collaboration between:

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Family Immersion Programs and Deaf Camps

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Family Immersion Programs and Deaf Camps

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  • Family Immersion Programs

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  • Deaf Camps

    Please fill out these questions if your program is a camp for deaf and hard of hearing children.
  • Max. file size: 128 MB.
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