Clerc Center Equity Plan

Dismantling Systemic Racism

Human Resources

Phase 1:

  • Through an equity lens and using an inclusive process, review, and redesign:
    • Recruitment and retention practices 
    • Administrative leave practices 
    • Employee discipline practices
    • Hiring timelines and communications
    • “Probationary” period
  • Engage Social Justice Committees in redesign of HR processes and in shaping the posting and position design for the hiring of the HR Coordinator position 
  • Host listening sessions with BIPOC employees and former employees
  • Formalize Social Justice positions with stipend to ensure the work is systemic and continues

Phase 2:

  • Conduct comprehensive job description and certification/licensure review (align with Gallaudet HR Redesign); include social justice and equity competencies in all job descriptions
  • Create employee demographic dashboard

Phase 3:

  • Review progress and establish next phase of Equity Plan
  • Gallaudet HR Redesign Priority #1

Employee Support

Phase 1:

  • Design and implement Phase 1 of interim mentorship program, including researching training for mentors
  • Redesign temporary employee positions to support growth
  • Invest in spaces to support BIPOC employees including support groups / affinity groups

Phase 2:

  • Design robust mentorship and “Grow our Own” programs for all position levels within the organization
  • Explore “Career Ladder” options in all areas of the organization to build skills and resumes for future promotion
  • Review Employee Relations Council and consider alignment/partnership with social justice committees and/or IE Ambassadors; Formalize ERC with bylaws and University recognition as shared governance group

Phase 3:

  • Review progress and establish next phase of Equity Plan

Student Support

Phase 1:

  • Review/Revise class placement process
  • Review/Revise IEP attendance practices
  • Establish working group: Student Code of Conduct and student discipline referrals
  • Determine feasibility/implement virtual tutoring center
  • Establish year round schedule for guest speakers and presenters to celebrate heritage months and successes of BIPOC employees and families
  • Implement active recruitment strategies and program design for BIPOC students for academic teams based on plans developed by Social Justice Committees in AY 2019-2020 – Math Competition, BOTB, Academic Bowl, etc. 
  • Be proactive in identifying high and low performing students by analyzing assessment data and develop an appropriate intervention to meet their needs; Establish a process for parents or teachers/staff to submit a concern or observation
  • Identify support groups and/or affinity groups desired by students and establish (e.g. LGBTQIA, Asian Deaf, etc.)

Phase 2:

  • Review access issues with After School Program due to transportation availability
  • Develop de-escalation procedures for situations involving law enforcement/DPS

Phase 3:

  • Explore partnerships with Gallaudet’s Black Student Union, Latino Student Union, etc. to improve representation in the classroom and mentorship for students (NOTE: Delayed due to COVID/remote instruction)
  • Review progress and establish next phase of Equity Plan

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