Clerc Center Equity Plan

Anti-Racist Curriculum

Phase 1:

  • Partnering with local organizations to implement Black Lives Matter at School; KDES and MSSD teachers have worked with DC Area Educators for Social Justice (DCAESJ) for resources to implement Black Lives Matter at School curricula in schools. This will continue and expand at the leadership level
  • Supporting Teachers to develop Innovation Curricula; KDES and MSSD have supported innovation projects including new course curricula incorporating anti-bias and anti-racist content. We will support these teachers as they pilot their content with workshops and leadership support
  • Providing ongoing curricular support with Equity consultant; Andrea Sonnier has contracted for 75+ hours of direct development support

Phase 2:

  • Share out of Equity projects – teachers will be guided in equity work through the year with an emphasis on development of in-classroom tools; these will be showcased at the end of the year
  • Summative work on pilot innovation curricula – the innovation work done by our teachers will be reported on at the end of the year with the goal of centralizing and normalizing this work and emphasizing a school culture of anti-racism
  • Summative report from Andrea Sonnier – identify strengths, weaknesses, areas in development to help us plan for future professional development sessions

Phase 3:

  • Review progress and establish next phase of Equity Plan

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